Techniques to promote interactivity when presenting a PowerPoint Presentation
Interactivity in a presentation is as important as the content. Interactivity provides the presenter with a way to “hook” the audience’s attention and keep it throughout a presentation.
- To set the stage of your presentation start with an action statement and pictures to catch your audience’s attention. (Example: “Today we’re going to be talking about…..)
- Review the objectives of your presentation and how it will relate/benefit to your audience. On your slide, show one objective at a time and briefly speak to it.
- To introduce your next topic, use a transition slide. This slide can show the topic of the section, speak to it briefly, and then move to the next slide with the content of the section.
- When presenting the content slide there are a couple of techniques to use:
- On your presentation slide have a bullet point come in one at a time, so the audience is focusing only on that topic. NOTE: Keep text on slides minimal – use as talking points
- Use pictures and or a video to visualize your topic. NOTE: If you are going to use pictures, videos, or hyperlinks that are outside of your presentation, have them easily accessible in a folder on your desk top.
- As you go along ask engaging questions of the audience to make sure they are understanding and engaged
- When you have completed the section, go to a transition slide and summarize the section, answers questions, but also ask questions. By asking questions this will create an interaction between you and the audience. Then transition to the next section and briefly introduce your next topic.
- To wrap up move to a Summary slide and review the key points of your presentation. This is another opportunity to interact with your audience by asking probing questions. If you have any hand-outs or resources you want to provide, this is the time to speak to them. Hand-outs or job aides should be a 1 pg. document that the participants can refer to after the presentation.
Ideas for adding Interactivity to you presentation
- Ask questions and probe for answers
- Provide scenario and ask questions
- Provide case study for analysis
- Provide actual hands-on experience
- Activity sheets
- Exercises
- Games